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Math Tutor With Previous Tutoring Experience

I am currently working as a full time engineer. I have graduated from Cooper Union with my undergraduate degree in civil engineering in 2014 and will graduate with my aster's degree in May of 2016. I have tutored throughout high school, both high school students and a couple of middle school kids. I tutored a class of ten high school students in SAT Math for five weeks. On average, the students increased their math score by at least 120 points by the end of the summer. I have loved math sinc...

ACT Math

algebra 1

algebra 2

elementary math




SAT math


Lillian R. from Woodhaven, NY

Yara is amazing tutoring my daughter with her Pre-Calculus. After a session with Yara, my daughter has a much better understanding of the material. She is a pleasure to work with and very knowledgeable.